I help reflective & empathic high achievers BREAK FREE of guilt, self-doubt, & limiting expectations to find COURAGE to LIVE WILD.

You are on a search for the REAL and AUTHENTIC you.

But deep down inside, you find yourself…

  • Being a 'people-pleaser' in an effort to create harmony & avoid any conflict in relationships, at home, and at work

  • Not fully trusting or believing in yourself, feeling 'imposter syndrome' and that you're not good enough, and always looking to others for approval and validation

  • Navigating experienced or inherited trauma and its current impact on your nervous system

  • Feeling a lack of clarity about your calling, your passions, and "who you want to be when you grow up"

  • Feeling caught between "where you're from" and who you are/want to be today in your life


Greetings and Welcome!

I’m Becky Krueger.

As an empath and sensitive soul, my own life-long journey into these parts of myself has been marked by many twists & turns, upsets, and breakthroughs.

After a long and impactful career in early childhood education, I followed my longing for something different in my life: a path that would allow me to slow down, lean into my gifts & strengths, and serve individuals in a deeply transformative and healing way.

I specialize in helping clients connect to their authenticity and their courage.

I’m a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) based in Seattle, WA.

I’m here to tell you: there’s ANOTHER WAY OF BEING in the world, a way of living your life with LESS FEAR and LESS SELF-DOUBT so you can pursue your GOALS and DREAMS with CONFIDENCE, TRUST, and EASE.

There is a light waiting for you, ready to shine through the trees of your dark forest and guide you on your path to healing and wholeness (hint: it’s inside of you right now!). 

You CAN find your COURAGE and AUTHENTICITY to turn your dreams into your new reality. Let’s connect so you can discover how! 

Love, Becky

Get Started with a Free 30-minute Call

You know the importance of investing in your relationship with yourself!

But you often say 'yes' to doing things your boss or co-workers ask you to do, without taking time to think it over.

You feel overwhelmed by the amount of work and responsibilities piling up on your plate.

When a friend cancels plans on you or starts asking for more than they can give back in return, you tell them "it's fine" and pretend that it's 'no big deal,' even though you're secretly angry and feel taken advantage of. 


When you know your highest VALUES, give yourself permission to reach for your dreams, put energy into the things that fill you up, and come to see your GIFTS and STRENGTH, you begin to cultivate greater self-acceptance, self-compassion, and honor who you really are. This is about falling in love with yourself, again or for the first time.


You want to improve your relationships with others.

Yet…..You hesitate to speak up in staff meetings because you fear being judged or saying "the wrong thing."

You keep putting off learning a new hobby or activity that would bring you joy or spark your creativity because you've convinced yourself it will be "too hard" and "you'll never be good at it."

You find yourself turning away from others and self-isolating during challenging times rather than asking for help or support. (Hello! Anxiety!)

You fear being rejected by family and friends if you were to fully express all the parts of your true self, make your own choices, or just be “different” from the people and place you came from……Being an over-achiever and a people pleaser is a way to earn love and approval or to somehow ‘prove’ that you have value.

You have an endless stack of self-help books on your nightstand. You tend to say 'yes' to things you don't really want to do in order to get approval and be liked and tend to say 'no' to new opportunities and adventures that would challenge you or stretch your skills and push you out of your comfort zone.

And this deep fear of conflict, of upsetting or disappointing others….makes you feel disconnected and afraid to take risks.



As you deepen your LOVE and COMPASSION for yourself, you’ll find yourself bringing this love and compassion more naturally to your relationships. By doing your own inner work, you can show up MORE AUTHENTICALLY and MORE CENTERED with others. This is where you’ll develop healthy boundary-setting strategies, effective communication skills, and an ability to discern not only how you want to show up with others, but with whom you choose to invest your energy and why.

Coaching In The Wild


Hiking & Group Coaching Experience

Going “into the wild” can offer a RESET and a RESPITE from the stress, busyness, and monotony of daily life: it offers space to breathe, to daydream, to reflect, to open up, to clear brain fog, to connect to something larger than yourself, and to regulate your nervous system by spending time in nature…all of which lays the foundation to creating meaningful TRANSFORMATION in your life.

This is an opportunity to both go inward and explore your own heart & mind AND to connect with others on their own personal journeys.

Backpacking & Group Coaching Experience

You will receive the benefits of professional coaching in a deeper way which will help you to EXPLORE and NAVIGATE your current reality, identify what’s supporting you and what’s holding you back in your life. Through the work of Energy Leadership, you will learn more about the different energy levels we move through as humans and how to make them work for you. You will become more aware of challenging thoughts & emotions in a supportive setting and connect more deeply with your own wisdom and intuition.

Book A Complimentary Session

No commitment, Pressure, or Obligation Necessary.