How my journey began

In 2012, I felt a deep calling to the wilds of the Pacific Northwest to begin what would prove to be one of the most important and pivotal transitions of my life. 

As someone who always found comfort in closeness to my family and was wary of straying too far from home for too long for much of my life, the choice to relocate to Seattle, WA, was both an unexpected and transformative moment in my journey of uncovering my most authentic self, my inner courage, and my deeper purpose in this world.

Born and raised in the fields, lakes, and forests of rural Wisconsin, spending time in the wild was where I felt most alive, most connected to something larger than myself, and where I experienced some of the happiest & most formative moments with the people I most loved. 

Close family and friends both marveled and balked at my decision to move clear across the country on my own to start a new job, find my new community, and enter the unknown. 

And despite my own fears, I knew deep inside of me that there was something bigger awaiting me there, that I could let my heart & intuition guide me toward this new journey even when my head couldn’t fully explain it. 

The past decade has been a rollercoaster of a ride, with all the struggles and joys and grief and beautiful moments that mark a powerful new chapter of change in one’s life: 

~the loss of my beloved mother to cancer

~the restructuring of long-time relationships and building of new ones

~finding new ways to connect with and love my family across the miles

~and my ongoing transition from a long-time teaching career into this invigorating adventure of professional coaching!

I’ve developed a deep sense of awe and gratitude for the beautiful landscape and hiking trails of the PNW, for the meaningful and purpose-driven paths I’ve discovered in the wilds of life and in the natural world, and for the incredible people who continue to enter my life and help shape me into my best self. 

I am a deep thinker and a life-long learner.

I am a sensitive soul who strives to live and lead with backbone & heart.

I am a joyful, playful human.

I’m a white, cisgender, able-bodied woman striving to see and disrupt systems of oppression and my own role in perpetuating them. 

Serving, supporting, and celebrating others are some of my highest values. 

I bring a great deal of empathy and intuition to my coaching, which allows me to meet clients exactly where they’re at while challenging them to access their full potential.

I’m a student of Sociology and Italian (BA’s from University of Wisconsin-Madison - 2006) and a 14-year veteran teacher in the early childhood education field (MA in Teaching from Cardinal Stritch University - 2011). I’m certified as a professional coach by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC, March 2021-February 2022), am a Energy Leadership Index - Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), and a COR.E Dynamics Specialist in the area of Life/Work Transitions. I’m trained as a COR.E Energy Coach who helps clients learn about the different energy levels we move through as humans and where their energy may be serving or limiting them in their lives.

I can’t wait to hear more about your own journey and where you want to go next!


My Certifications & Memberships

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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