Supporting You to Create a Courageous Life Aligned with Your Highest Values and Your Authentic Self

“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver , Poet (1935-2019)


How Do You Want to Show Up in the World?

Here’s how Coaching with Becky can support you to meet your goals and access your highest potential:

  • We’ll work together to reveal what matters most to you, so you can create an inner compass to guide your life choices and decisions. This is an important part of connecting with and sharing your authentic self with the world.

  • Know that little voice in your head that says, “I’m not enough”? That tells you to quit before you even start? That’s not really you, but an old voice that’s trying to protect you by telling you to play small. We’ll investigate together to identify your Gremlin message in order to release it’s hold and connect you with your most supportive, powerful, and wise inner voice.

  • When making decisions, it’s most effective to take a holistic approach that engages your logic, your emotions, and your body energy/intuition. (Spoiler alert: you have all the answers you need already within you!). I’ll show you how to add this strategy to your toolkit in order to feel confident & aligned in your choices and actions.

  • Are you bringing ‘anabolic’ (constructive) or ‘catabolic’ (destructive) energy to a situation or a relationship? Is your perspective leading you to be part of the problem or the solution? By participating in the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, you’ll learn more about the different energy levels we move through as human beings and how they may be serving you or not, so that you can consciously choose the type of energy that will work for you in any given situation.



  • Hiking & Group Coaching Experience

    Going “into the wild” can offer a RESET and a RESPITE from the stress, busyness, and monotony of daily life: it offers space to breathe, to daydream, to reflect, to open up, to clear brain fog, to connect to something larger than yourself, and to regulate your nervous system by spending time in nature…all of which lays the foundation to creating meaningful TRANSFORMATION in your life.

    This is an opportunity to both go inward and explore your own heart & mind AND to connect with others on their own personal journeys.

  • Backpacking & Group Coaching Experience

    You will receive the benefits of professional coaching in a deeper way which will help you to EXPLORE and NAVIGATE your current reality, identify what’s supporting you and what’s holding you back in your life. Through the work of Energy Leadership, you will learn more about the different energy levels we move through as humans and how to make them work for you. You will become more aware of challenging thoughts & emotions in a supportive setting and connect more deeply with your own wisdom and intuition.

Start a new relationship with yourself and with the world now.