Client Transformations

  • “Becky is one of the most discerning, intuitive, and professional coaches I have encountered. Her presence is reassuring and her energy is vibrant!

    Becky’s work is very effective and informed by a number of highly developed modalities. What makes her exceptional is her mastery in integrating these modalities, which include active listening, ability to gently convey insight that the client recognizes as their own, and holding space in a calm and grounding way.

    The personal results of working with Becky have been truly transformative!”

    -Paty Ruas, Mentor Educator, Seattle WA

  • “Becky is the most intuitive person I know and brings in great energy to the session. Before I knew it was 30 minutes, we had worked on my topic, not in a superficial way but by getting to the core of it. This is the magic she brings along with her presence and personality. She has successfully helped guide me through career choices, as well as my personal health improvements.”

    -Client, Engineering Manager, Bay Area CA

  • “I’m endlessly grateful to have Becky as my coach as I navigate a huge midlife career transition.

    She flows with whatever comes up in our sessions with curiosity and confidence. I never feel broken when we work together. Instead, she helps me see my struggles and stumbling blocks as important -- even beautiful -- parts of my journey that are leading me back to my wildest, most authentic self. She notices the treasures hidden under the surface of what I share and guides me back to my wise inner voice.

    I feel more capable, more confident and braver with her as my coach.”

    -Nico Lis, Graduate Student in Occupational Therapy, Seattle WA

  • “I've had the pleasure and honor of working with Becky for nearly six months and have found it to be deeply impactful.

    Becky is insightful, empathetic, positive and exudes the most amazing energy that makes you feel energized, inspired, and at peace. She is a wonderful listener and asks questions that help you uncover the truths that have always been within you.

    I have been on a journey of self-discovery and improvement over the last few years and Becky has helped me take the tools and skills I have learned during that time and put them to use to find clarity, purpose and self-compassion in my life..”

    — Shalla Sayed, ECE Professional/Project Coordinator/Visual Artist, Seattle WA

  • “Becky is an incredibly compassionate, open, and supportive coach.

    During our work together, she offered me space to share my thoughts and feelings about a situation, then she beautifully re-voiced my words and asked thoughtful questions to help me see my strengths and wisdom. To end each session, we worked together to come up with an action item, always something I felt I was empowered to do myself, which left me feeling ready to take on the challenges in my life.”

    -Megan Hughes, Early Childhood Educator, Seattle WA

  • ”Coaching from Becky is like no other – it is like the familiarity of a lifelong friend, the comfort of your favorite blanket, the encouragement of a loving grandmother, the warmth of fire crackling in the fireplace, and the guidance and gentle challenge of an inspirational teacher – wrapped into one person and every empowering and encouraging conversation.

    I was blessed to work with Becky for 10-weeks, during one of the most challenging times of my life.

    Each week, Becky listened to my words… and my soul.  Becky’s intuitive nature knew exactly how to help me find the light and lift my spirits. She encouraged and supported me with her words, questions, and tender reminders of who I am, who I want to be, and what I value – and how I could choose actions, words, and ways to navigate the challenges I was facing with all of that in mind.

    Bring Becky into your life; you will be forever changed, for the better.” 

    — Marissa Murphy-Becerra, Client, Benicia CA