Dare to Play

How do you like to play?

When was the last time you let yourself play?

What am I even talking about (you may be wondering)?

Play: to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose (Oxford dictionary)

As grown-ups, we often de-prioritize play.

Even as someone who was worked with young children for a long time, I myself can forget that the importance of play doesn’t just apply to them. For many of us, the daily pressures, responsibilities, and competing demands & interests of our busy and dynamic lives fill our waking hours until we can finally relax and unwind and spend some me-time...bingeing on Netflix until we fall asleep.

Sound familiar? ;)

To be real, grown-up’ing can be hard work. We must become our own ‘parent’ at a certain age & stage (which may come sooner than later for some of us) in order to navigate the complexities of our world, to keep ourselves safe and healthy (however that looks for each of us), to find our purpose and fulfillment (through our work or relationships or otherwise), and to create financial and emotional stability for ourselves (and those who may be under our care).

Phew...I feel tired just writing that paragraph!!

“And then there is the universal role of adult. When you play that role, you take yourself and life very seriously. Spontaneity, lightheartedness, and joy are not part of that role.”
- Eckhart Tolle

So, with all the things that can quickly fill our date book and brain space...what is the fuel that sustains us? What are we putting into our own personal gas tank to keep our beautiful machine running? How can we find the energy to keep up with life day after day?

Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable.  Without it, life just doesn't taste good.” - Lucia Capacchione

I decided to really let myself play this week at my school’s annual staff retreat.

In the days leading up to the event, I thought about some of the playful things on our agenda that I was looking forward to sharing in with my colleagues: late night games, dance parties, laughter, a morning hike, a few adult beverages, and, something I haven’t found the courage to do in quite a while...karaoke.

I’ve always loved to sing and, as mentioned in a previous newsletter, have a long history of singing and performing. I also mentioned in that newsletter how old doubts about my self-worth have kept me from fulling embracing this playful and creative part of myself at times.

This week, though, I let myself fully embrace my truth that I DO still love to sing, and I that, when I take the “am-I-good-at-this-or-not” question out of the equation, I shamelessly love the thrill of playing a karaoke rockstar for a night.

Because PLAY has little to do with how “good” you are at something, and everything to do with the joy, vitality, and enthusiasm it sparks inside of you.

Not only did I decide that I was going to dare myself to get behind a mic in front of an audience at the retreat, but that I was going to make it even more FUN by dressing up as a character I named “B’Adele” (cousin to the superstar, of course) and singing Adele songs for the evening...because why not?!?

As I’d hoped and imagined, the evening was truly a blast. Getting into character and belting out tunes for the sheer play of it made me feel: alive; grounded; powerful; joyful; and connected to everyone in that room and something even bigger & beyond. I could see the joy and lightness I was bringing to others, felt the energy and inspiration becoming contagious in the room as others got up to perform their songs, too. The performance aspect of the play was exhilarating!

And then, as the crowd faded throughout the night, I noticed something arise for me...I STILL WANTED TO SING. Yes, having an audience was thrilling, but after a bit I realized I didn’t even need it. Because now I was having fun for the sake of having fun. I was playing because it FELT good, not to prove my talent or impress.

And(in spite of the late night), I noticed that I felt more engaged, more present, more ready to do the work the next day with my colleagues.

Play not only connects us to our authentic selves, it is what sustains us. Play can be the bridge from our bodies & minds to the infinite energy of the universe. Play is what reminds us that there is so much to life.

What does play look like for you?

How are YOU going to play this week?

What might be possible in your life if you prioritized play?

In love, light, and wildness,


Becky Krueger

Certified Professional Core Energy Coach (CPC); Energy Leadership Master Practitioner (ELI- MP); COR.E Transitions Dynamics Specialist


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